DUBIIIIIIIIIIII bDACIC/b!!!!!!!!!!!!Mitica...ci siamo sedute a predere un aperitivo e dana l'ha un po' sconvolta con le news dell'bestate/b ma...dai su su "piccola" dubi...il mondo va avanti...nn traumatizzarti cos? tanto! ...
Acceptarea pe deplin a homosexualitatii in spatiul bdacic/b are loc odata cu transformarea Daciei in Provincie Romana si astfel avand parte de o dezvoltare atat economica cat si sociala si culturala. b...../b how to be emo-bvacation/b post. some say it's just a fad.others say it's a way of life...although i'm pretty sure it's a produce of pop culture gone on the rock side...make up your mind, after seeing this movie (20 minutes long).i think it's worth it.do you? b.../b
The SPS remains publicly opposed to extraditing the remaining war crimes suspects, with the new interior minister and SPS leader, Ivica Dacic, suggesting that Serbia's co operation with The Hague was not a priority. ...